Agile Mind’s Biology curriculum and supports help students gain an essential understanding of challenging concepts and processes by examining their impact on the world around us. From the structure and function of cells to the processes that impact organisms and ecosystems, students explore real-world phenomena with scientific questions, make predictions based on evidence, analyze data, and develop explanations and models.
Experience the Power
Blended supports for all learners
Our Biology program includes print and digital content. Engaging visualizations of real-world phenomena, key concepts, and landmark experiments help students visualize, analyze, and comprehend important biological processes—from atoms and molecules to ecosystems and the biosphere. Online and paper-and-pencil problem-solving fosters students’ understanding and pushes them to apply their learning to new contexts.
We empower teachers to create an engaging and inspiring classroom experience that keeps students motivated and working hard, every step of the way.
Comprehensive teacher support
Daily, job-embedded supports for teachers enable flexible lessons, with tools and guidance to engage a whole class, small groups, and individual students.
Nationally respected authors
Our Biology program was developed in collaboration with teachers throughout the country and by distinguished science educators from the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study group (BSCS) and the Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin.