Welcome, Milwaukee Public Schools!

The following information is presented to support Milwaukee Public School’s request for proposals for online and print learning resources for middle and high school Mathematics Intervention for English and non-English students. We are confident that our research-based programs, developed through deep collaboration with the Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin, will meet or exceed your needs for a top-rated, proven intervention and will assist you in reaching your mathematics achievement goals.

For more information

Please contact:

Jodi Peters
Director of Partnerships
989-573-2002 | jpeters@agilemind.com

Our About Agile Mind Document provides a brief summary of what we have to offer.

Intensified Algebra I

Struggling students need a powerful combination of additional time, a challenging curriculum, and cohesive, targeted supports and interventions. Agile Mind provides tools and teaching supports to help students stay on track, graduate on time, and gain passage to advanced learning. 

Agile Mind’s Intensified Algebra I program is a blended program that integrates a comprehensive, engaging mathematics curriculum with interventions for struggling learners to motivate and develop students’ positive beliefs about their academic abilities. To learn more, visit the Intensified Algebra I program page.

Transform beliefs and behaviors

Social and emotional learning constructs are integrated within our Intensified curriculum. This groundbreaking program melds best practices in math instruction with advances in psychology and in research on struggling learners to shape students’ engagement, confidence, and commitment to challenging academic programs. Students are motivated. Teachers are energized. And parents see for their children a future where success is achievable.

Learn more about the social, emotional, and academic development principles behind our Intensified programs.

Blended learning Approach

Our programs appear in a “blended” format, meaning that some essential materials are provided online and others in print. The online curriculum can be shared with an entire class by being projected. In this model, all that is needed is a computer, access to the Internet, and a projection device. In settings with access to shared computers or tablets, students can work online at the direction of their teacher.

In addition to the online materials, print resources are also available:

  • Student Activity Sheets are used by students in the classroom daily and for nightly homework. The sheets can be downloaded as pdfs from the online system or purchased as consumable workbooks.
  • Teachers receive a printed Advice for Instruction book with guidance for teaching each day with Agile Mind. The Advice for Instruction resources are also available online.


We encourage you to review the resources below, which provide a brief overview of our approach to teaching and learning and examples of classroom lessons.

Research Briefs

Intensified Algebra I Data Snapshots

Inverness Research Brief

Journal about Hillsborough

Providence Assessment Brief

Intensified Algebra I Resources

Intensified Algebra I Alignment

Intensified Algebra I Scope & Sequence

Sample Student Activity Book

Sample Advice for Instruction

Additional Information

Intensified Algebra I Fact sheet

Agile Accelerator Fact sheet


Best Practices for Teaching ELL Students

Nationally Respected Authors

Our math programs are developed in collaboration with the Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin.

Thank you for your time and consideration as we work together to transform achievement in math and science — for all students!

Agile Mind is proud to receive top ratings by EdReports.org in both middle and high school math.