Welcome! This site introduces Florida educators to Agile Mind’s high school mathematics programs.

Explore these resources, then Log In with your district-provided username and password to review course curriculum and comprehensive supports for teachers.

Our Instructional Approach

Agile Mind supports collaborative learning centered on your standards that propels students to engage and to thrive in mathematics. Students learn through relevant and interactive explorations of math concepts and skills. They then consolidate and solidify new learning as they build strong connections, generalize understandings, and deepen their mastery. As a result, they achieve at higher levels.

Learn more about Agile Mind and get ready to explore our resources.

Digital and print materials
for students and teachers

Core Mathematics Programs

Our core math programs for middle school, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Precalculus, AP Calculus, and AP Statistics are grounded in research on educational practices that produce meaningful learning gains for all students—from those facing the greatest barriers to those achieving at the highest levels. The Agile Mind curriculum connects abstract concepts with students’ everyday realities in ways that are powerfully engaging, motivating, and effective.

Embedded teacher supports offer planning and teaching guidance for every day, with strategies to engage students in mathematics, motivate their learning, and help them achieve expectations.

Core Math Fact Sheet

Math Programs Achievement Brief

Problem Solving & Practice

Best Practices for Teaching ELL Students

Publisher’s Presentation

We encourage you to review the resources below, which provide a brief overview of our approach to teaching and learning and examples of classroom lessons.

Intensified Algebra I

Struggling students need a powerful combination of additional time, a challenging curriculum, and cohesive, targeted supports and interventions.

Agile Mind’s Intensified Algebra I/Intensified Mathematics I programs provide comprehensive resources and teaching supports to help students stay on track, graduate on time, and gain passage to advanced learning.

This groundbreaking work melds best practices in mathematics instruction with advances in developmental and social psychology and research on struggling learners to shape students’ engagement, confidence, and commitment to challenging academic courses.

Intensified Algebra I Fact Sheet

Intensified Algebra I Achievement Brief

Inverness Research Brief

Journal about Hillsborough (IA data snapshot)

Academic Youth Development (AYD)

When students believe in their ability to learn, and when they are armed with effective problem-solving strategies, they work harder, persist longer, and achieve at higher levels. This suite of programs translates the latest research on student mindset, motivation, learning, and persistence into practical classroom strategies and tools that can be enacted every day, in every classroom to produce a lasting impact on every student.

Academic Youth Development helps students, educators, and systems integrate social and emotional learning (SEL) competencies with daily learning. With AYD, teachers develop safe, collaborative learning environments that welcome and value all learners and push them to believe in their abilities and persist in their efforts.

AYD Fact Sheet

AYD Data Snapshots

AYD Outcomes

Nationally Respected Authors

Our math programs are developed in collaboration with the Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin.

For the past three decades, the Dana Center has been leading a movement to ensure all students have equitable access to mathematics and science education.

For more information

Please contact:

Lisa Williams
Regional VP and Director of Educational Partnerships
740.350.2777 | lwilliams@agilemind.com