Welcome, Baltimore County Public Schools Educators!
This page provides an introduction to Agile Mind’s Calculus program. Here you will find resources to support your review of our course design and content, as well as an orientation video and a quick start guide. When you are ready to review the programs, click the “Log In” button to the right.
Get to know Agile Mind. Our About Agile Mind Document provides a brief summary of what we have to offer.
Download Quick Start Guide
The Quick Start Guide will walk you through key features and navigation tools.
We recommend using this guide as reference before and during your online review.
Are you ready to get started?
You may log in and explore the Agile Mind programs with the user name and password provided to you.
Username: BCPS
Password: Calculus
Role: teacher
Blended Learning Approach
Our programs appear in a “blended” format, meaning that some essential materials are provided online and others in print. The online curriculum can be shared with an entire class by being projected. In this model, all that is needed is a computer, access to the Internet, and a projection device. In settings with access to shared computers or tablets, students can work online at the direction of their teacher.
Calculus Curriculum Resources and Support Samples
Calculus Scope and Sequence
Calculus Practice Exam Sample
Advice for Instruction Sample
Best Practices for Teaching ELL Students
Introductory Video
We encourage you to review the resource below, which provides a brief overview of our approach to teaching and learning and examples of classroom lessons.
Agile Mind mathematics programs are fully aligned to content standards and provide support for the Mathematical Practices. Click here, or on the graphic, to learn more about our blended learning approach, course design, engaging animations, interactive simulations, and rich problem-solving tasks.
Agile Mind programs are designed to help teachers provide rigorous, yet accessible instructional experiences for every student, with the primary strategies being rich problem-solving tasks with multiple entry points, productive group work, and the use of framing and reframing questions. Click here to learn more about our supports for differentiation and for English Language Learners.
Virtual professional learning seminars for both new Agile Mind teachers and leaders are designed to introduce educators to the comprehensive Agile Mind tools and resources that support their instruction. Topics include understanding components of the Agile Mind system, using Agile Mind tools to facilitate learning, learning from observing classroom instruction, and strategies for lesson and topic planning. Learn more about our model of virtual professional learning and options for ongoing professional development throughout the year by visiting Professional Learning Pathways and reviewing our current Professional Learning Catalog.
Agile Mind’s digital and blended curriculum resources provide ideal supports for delivering remote, hybrid, or in-person instruction to meet current and changing challenges in teaching and learning. Click here to learn more about resources for educators and families.
For more information
Please contact:
John Moore
Vice President of Educational Partnerships
503.780.0804 | jmoore@agilemind.com
Nationally Respected Authors
Our math programs are developed in collaboration with the Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin.
Thank you for your time and consideration as we work together to transform achievement in math and science — for all students!