Getting Started with Agile Assessment

Welcome to Agile Assessment. This series of how-to videos is designed to introduce you to Agile Assessment and guide you through all the features from start to finish. The individual videos are also a great resource if you need to brush up on specific ones. We recommend that you log into your Agile Mind account and follow along with the videos as you go through the process of building your first test design.

Can We Help?

Technical/logistical questions: or 866-284-4655

Module content questions:

1. Agile Assessment Overview

2. Agile Assessment Overview

3. Building a Test Design

4. Using Interim Assessment Blueprints

5. Scheduling Tests for Students

6. Student View of a Test

7. Test Reports, Score & Review

Additional Resources

NCTM Brief: What Does Research Say the Benefits of Formative Assessment Are?

Example: Agile Assessment Process Paper

Agile Mind Quick Start Guide & How-To Videos

Agile Mind Quick Start Guide for Educators

Full List of How-To Videos

Nationally Respected Authors

Our math programs are developed in collaboration with the Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin.

Thank you for your time and consideration as we work together to transform achievement in math and science — for all students!